BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATIONS! There are a number of companies offering what they claim to be a 6HP Fluid which is in many cases nothing more than a rebranded Dexron III. The use of such a product can lead to malfunctioning of your Gearbox. If you are offered a product that is red in colour, it is not a genuine 6HP Fluid - RAVENOL ATF 6HP Transmission Fluid has a yellow-brown colour.
RAVENOL ATF 6 HP Transmission Fluid was developed specifically for use in the latest ZF 6HP-series transmissions, 6HP19, 6HP21, 6HP26, 6HP28, 6HP32, 6HP34, also for 5-speed automatic transmission 5HP-series. It is backwardly compatible for all earlier versions of ZF 4- and 5-speed passenger car automatic transmissions, except 6HP26A61 in vehicles with Audi W12 (VW G055162A2) and 6HP19X for Audi Q7, 6HP19A, 6HP28AF (VW G060162A2). For these specifications we recommend Ravenol ATF 8HP Fluid.